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The Trustee

Prudential Staff Pensions Limited, a limited company, is the Trustee of the Scheme and is responsible for ensuring that the Scheme is administered in accordance with the Trust Deed and Rules. The Trustee holds, manages and invests assets for the benefit of members and their beneficiaries.

The Trustee Board

The Trustee Board of Prudential Staff Pensions Limited (the Trustee) is made up of ten Trustee Directors, six of whom are appointed by the Company and four who are nominated by the members.

The current Trustee Board members are:

Company appointed Trustee Directors

Keith Bedell-Pearce CBE (Chairman)
David Green
Anthony Robson
Andrew Swan
Darren Tish
Jo Waldron

Member Nominated Trustee Directors

Wolfgang Bauer (To serve until April 2027)
Stephen Cunningham (To serve until April 2026)
Edward Morris (To serve until April 2028)
John Paino (To serve until July 2025)

The Scheme’s Committees

The Trustee delegates some of its day-to-day responsibilities for managing the Scheme to various Committees. Each Committee is made up of a subset of Trustee Directors and reports back to the Trustee Board with updates of their meetings, suggestions and recommendations.

Currently there are four Committees:

The DB Section Committee - Monitors the DB Section funding (including overseeing the DB Section investment management policy).

The Audit and Governance Committee - Reviews and assesses the risks to the Scheme and is responsible for producing the Scheme’s annual accounts.

The Disputes Committee - Considers any complaints received by the Trustee.

The DC Section Committee - Responsible for our administration services and the monitoring of investments in respect of the DC Section.

Both the DB Section Committee and the DC Section Committee are assisted by an Investment Committee and other Working Parties.

The Trustee's advisers


Robert Neil Wharmby FIA, Willis Towers Watson Limited

DB Section Administrator:

XPS Administration Ltd



Communications Advisers:

Concert, A Gallagher Company

Legal Adviser:

Mayer Brown International LLP

Covenant Adviser:

Penfida Limited

DB Section Investment Consultant:

Willis Towers Watson Limited