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Pension Overview

Keeping your personal information safe

Keeping your personal information safe

Published on: 16 Dec 2022

It’s important to ensure that your Prudential Staff Pension Scheme payslips are kept safe. Your payslips contain personal information which, in the wrong hands, could lead to identify theft.

Shredding your payslips before disposing them can help to keep your information safe, however, the easiest and most secure way to access your payslips is on MyPension — your online pensions portal.

Not only does accessing your payslips through MyPension reduce the possibility of criminals findingyour confidential information but it also helps cut down on paper waste, having a positive impact on the environment.

You can find out more information about MyPension on the next page.

Call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 if you think your confidential information may be at risk and be sure to let us know too. It may not be too late to stop a transfer if it hasn’t gone through.